Tanvir Associates draws on a wealth of experience in recommending and implementing institutional strengthening and training of both manager and artisans. The most effective management structure is that which attunes to the nature and attitudes of the indigenous people, the firm has considerable experience of contract management and supervision of construction. Excluding mechanical and electrical projects, structural and building work.
Project Management Consultancy
Project Management Consultancy
Capital Project Management:
Capital projects are the backbone of economic development and encompass a considerable amount of risk. As business and project specialists, Tanvir Associates has deep technical experience to assist in every step of the project cycle. Managing commercial value throughout the life cycle is the key to deriving maximum benefit from the investment. Our long standing expertise allows us to optimize cost and maximize revenue, manage and mitigate the risk of delay and extra costs. Time, Cost and quality management are the main ingredients in the successful delivery of capital projects. Our team consists of Surveyors, engineers and specialist in every field of project development and implementation.
Technical Management Consultancy:
Tanvir Associates uses its wealth of skills and knowledge giving our customers utterly impartial advice on any technical aspects of project development; and the assurance that their project is being implemented correctly to all the prevailing standards and requirements. We also provide ongoing engineering and assurance support to assist customers with specialist technical queries to help them meet their obligations in complying with technical standards and assurance responsibilities.
Cost Management:
Cost management has a broad focus .It includes-but is not confined to-the continuous control of cost. Cost management generally describes the approaches and activities in short run and long run planning and control decisions that increase value for customers and lower cost of products and services. In Tanvir Associates, it is an integral part of general management strategies and their implementation. We plan and control costs and links them inextricably with revenue and profit planning. Our team identifies each of the costs within the project; ensure that expenses are approved before purchasing. Keep a central record of all cost incurred, control the overall cost of the project, determine whether the expenses are adequately budgeted ,monitor and control instances of over-spending ,gain special approvals for extra –ordinary expenses, schedule expense payment and invoice approvals, keep the project and financial plans up-to-date. Tanvir Associates believe- to deliver the project “within budget”, its essential to put in place an efficient process for managing project costs. This project cost management process helps to achieve the above mentioned objective, by giving a best practice set of procedures which helps to identify, monitor and control costs, step-by-step.
Project Supervision:
Maximum benefit from the site and its features can only be obtained if a full survey of the site and its setting is carried out effectively. Tanvir Associates understands the context and characteristics of the site resulting into the evolution of a design which reflects the character of the locality, thereby enabling the development to be readily integrated into the environment. We asses both the strength and weaknesses of the site as well of its surroundings. We ensure that all features of the site are either measured or noted that help the designer to produce a successful development which harmonizes with its environment.
Management & Planning:
Tanvir Associate’s long experience in planning, implementation, maintenance and rehabilitation of multi-disciplinary projects at all stages from conception to operation provides an ideal basis for evaluation of management requirements and provision of management services. The objective of the management services include:
• Definition of the size of work programmers and overall plant and staff requirements.
• Co-ordination of all operation and maintenance activities through comprehensive but flexible control.
• Delegation of authority and responsibility for sections of work programs to encourage the development of graded management capabilities.
• Improvement in management structure or complete restructuring.
• Development and demonstration of appropriate management techniques.
• Establishment of office and workshop methods from day-to-day documentation and record keeping through analysis of operation to long range planning.
• Preparation of cost estimates including calculations of economic operational life and development programs for new plant and spare parts.
All programs and schedule prepared have to take into account the funds available. Where funds are a limiting resource, the effect of alternative strategies is clearly identified. The cost effectivenessof various levels of funding can be demonstrated, and with timely presentation the important planning decision can be taken with the best information available.